입력 2022.11.21 (15:28) 수정 2022.11.21 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

A KF-16 fighter jet crashed on a hill in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do Province, during a reconnaissance mission on Sunday night. The Air Force said the jet crash occurred due to an engine abnormality 20 kilometers west of an air base in Wonju. The pilot safely escaped and no damage to civilians has been confirmed. The Air Force has grounded all types of its planes except for surveillance and emergency assets. The KF-16 jets will remain grounded until the cause of the accident is identified.
President Yoon Suk-yeol will not hold morning press briefings for the time being. Noting a dispute between a presidential secretary and an MBC reporter on Friday morning, the presidential office said the briefings will remain suspended until measures are devised to prevent similar incidents. The top office said the president's morning briefings were held to promote communication with the people. It added it will consider resuming them if there are ways to achieve the original purpose.

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    • 입력 2022-11-21 15:28:24
    • 수정2022-11-21 16:45:13
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A KF-16 fighter jet crashed on a hill in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do Province, during a reconnaissance mission on Sunday night. The Air Force said the jet crash occurred due to an engine abnormality 20 kilometers west of an air base in Wonju. The pilot safely escaped and no damage to civilians has been confirmed. The Air Force has grounded all types of its planes except for surveillance and emergency assets. The KF-16 jets will remain grounded until the cause of the accident is identified.
President Yoon Suk-yeol will not hold morning press briefings for the time being. Noting a dispute between a presidential secretary and an MBC reporter on Friday morning, the presidential office said the briefings will remain suspended until measures are devised to prevent similar incidents. The top office said the president's morning briefings were held to promote communication with the people. It added it will consider resuming them if there are ways to achieve the original purpose.

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