입력 2023.01.26 (15:02) 수정 2023.01.26 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Robots are increasingly playing a larger role in our daily lives. It's no exception when it comes to hospitals too. Treatments using rehab robots help boost rehabilitation time as it's customized to the patient and allows them to receive more treatments.


This man in his twenties is fitted with a walking rehabilitation robot. The robot attached to his legs supports his lower body to help him walk. The device supports his weakened leg muscles to assist with ambulatory rehabilitation. The young man who couldn't walk due to progressive paraplegia says it became easier to walk since he started the robotics rehab therapy.

[Soundbite] Na Gyeong-su(Patient) : "It helps to strengthen my legs and to use muscles that I haven’t used before. It’s a big help in my everyday life."

The ambulatory rehab robot helps stroke or spinal cord injury patients with walking difficulties. This is much more efficient than having a rehab therapist or crutches for walking assistance.

[Soundbite] Prof. Rha Dong-wook(Severance Rehabilitation Hospital) : "The sensors attached to the robot analyze relevant data and help the robot determine exactly what a patient needs so that it can efficiently train a person to walk by giving the right amount of assistance at the right moment."

A log bridge and stepping stones show up on the screen. This is VR rehab therapy that provides a virtual environment for walking. It helps a patient boost his walking ability by gradually increasing the difficulty level.

[Soundbite] Kim Yong-wook(Director, Severance Rehabilitation Hospital) : "This therapy can help patients recovering from stroke or brain damage who can walk but can’t maintain balance and Parkinson’s patients."

Already available is a robot that helps restore the functions of paralyzed hands or arms. Rehab robots allow customized therapy and measurements of rehabilitation that can be incorporated into treatment programs.

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    • 입력 2023-01-26 15:02:06
    • 수정2023-01-26 16:45:05
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Robots are increasingly playing a larger role in our daily lives. It's no exception when it comes to hospitals too. Treatments using rehab robots help boost rehabilitation time as it's customized to the patient and allows them to receive more treatments.


This man in his twenties is fitted with a walking rehabilitation robot. The robot attached to his legs supports his lower body to help him walk. The device supports his weakened leg muscles to assist with ambulatory rehabilitation. The young man who couldn't walk due to progressive paraplegia says it became easier to walk since he started the robotics rehab therapy.

[Soundbite] Na Gyeong-su(Patient) : "It helps to strengthen my legs and to use muscles that I haven’t used before. It’s a big help in my everyday life."

The ambulatory rehab robot helps stroke or spinal cord injury patients with walking difficulties. This is much more efficient than having a rehab therapist or crutches for walking assistance.

[Soundbite] Prof. Rha Dong-wook(Severance Rehabilitation Hospital) : "The sensors attached to the robot analyze relevant data and help the robot determine exactly what a patient needs so that it can efficiently train a person to walk by giving the right amount of assistance at the right moment."

A log bridge and stepping stones show up on the screen. This is VR rehab therapy that provides a virtual environment for walking. It helps a patient boost his walking ability by gradually increasing the difficulty level.

[Soundbite] Kim Yong-wook(Director, Severance Rehabilitation Hospital) : "This therapy can help patients recovering from stroke or brain damage who can walk but can’t maintain balance and Parkinson’s patients."

Already available is a robot that helps restore the functions of paralyzed hands or arms. Rehab robots allow customized therapy and measurements of rehabilitation that can be incorporated into treatment programs.

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