입력 2023.02.01 (15:05) 수정 2023.02.01 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

It will be an indescribable feeling to reunite with family members that went missing for over 50 years. 4 siblings recently reunited in 58 years, thanks to their families' dedication and the support by the police who utilized genetic data. We take you to the emotional scene right now.


As soon as they see other, these individuals hold hands and hug each other. They are four siblings who have united after 58 years.

[Soundbite] "Can you recognize me? I’m old now."

They were split in March 1965. The third and fourth siblings who were seven and five at the time went missing after leaving home with their mother. The elder sister and brother who were just kids themselves had no way to find them, and half a century had passed.

[Soundbite] Jang Gyeong-in(Youngest missing sibling) : "I boarded the tram holding my mother’s skirt but when I woke up from a nap, she was gone."

The older sister even went on television in hopes to find her lost siblings but to no avail.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-jae(Elder sister(KBS Morning Forum in Aug. 2005)) : "Please don’t blame mom and meet up with her by contacting the broadcast station."

The two younger siblings were sent to a child protection facility with their names and date of birth changed, making it even more difficult to find them.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-jae(Elder sister) : "We lived under mom’s care but my siblings didn’t have that comfort."

However the elder sister did not give up. At almost age 70, she made one last attempt. In late 2021, she went to the police. Coincidentally, her younger siblings also sought for police assistance the following year. That is how the family was miraculously brought together. The police obtained the younger siblings' genetic data while the elder sister's DNA was kept at the National Center for the Rights of the Child.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-ran(Younger sibling who was missing) : "I’m so grateful for those who found us. My wish was to say the word mom out loud but thankfully, I have my older sister and brother now."

Some 1,000 missing children are registered with the center. Twenty six of them returned to their families last year.

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    • 입력 2023-02-01 15:05:53
    • 수정2023-02-01 16:45:09
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

It will be an indescribable feeling to reunite with family members that went missing for over 50 years. 4 siblings recently reunited in 58 years, thanks to their families' dedication and the support by the police who utilized genetic data. We take you to the emotional scene right now.


As soon as they see other, these individuals hold hands and hug each other. They are four siblings who have united after 58 years.

[Soundbite] "Can you recognize me? I’m old now."

They were split in March 1965. The third and fourth siblings who were seven and five at the time went missing after leaving home with their mother. The elder sister and brother who were just kids themselves had no way to find them, and half a century had passed.

[Soundbite] Jang Gyeong-in(Youngest missing sibling) : "I boarded the tram holding my mother’s skirt but when I woke up from a nap, she was gone."

The older sister even went on television in hopes to find her lost siblings but to no avail.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-jae(Elder sister(KBS Morning Forum in Aug. 2005)) : "Please don’t blame mom and meet up with her by contacting the broadcast station."

The two younger siblings were sent to a child protection facility with their names and date of birth changed, making it even more difficult to find them.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-jae(Elder sister) : "We lived under mom’s care but my siblings didn’t have that comfort."

However the elder sister did not give up. At almost age 70, she made one last attempt. In late 2021, she went to the police. Coincidentally, her younger siblings also sought for police assistance the following year. That is how the family was miraculously brought together. The police obtained the younger siblings' genetic data while the elder sister's DNA was kept at the National Center for the Rights of the Child.

[Soundbite] Jang Hee-ran(Younger sibling who was missing) : "I’m so grateful for those who found us. My wish was to say the word mom out loud but thankfully, I have my older sister and brother now."

Some 1,000 missing children are registered with the center. Twenty six of them returned to their families last year.

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