입력 2023.11.27 (14:55) 수정 2023.11.27 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]
With the vote for the 2030 World Expo host city imminent, President Yoon Suk Yeol has concluded his intensive campaigning in Paris. Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is now leading the final bid efforts. Amidst significant developments, including Japan's reported support for Busan, anticipation is running high.

President Yoon Suk Yeol hosted three events during his 3-day stay in Paris. Over half of the 182 member nations of the Bureau International des Expositions are known to have attended the events. Yoon met with one national representative after another to promote Busan's World Expo bid.

Kim Tae-hyo (Principal Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser): The president’s visit to France right before the vote will add momentum and is seen as wrapping up all promotional activities held to date.

With just one day left to the critical vote deciding the winning city, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is in the French capital for a last-minute pitch. He is set to target BIE members that have yet to decide on a candidate city or who are possibly swaying in their earlier decision. Han vowed to do his best to the very end to deliver good news to the people. So far, Saudi Arabia's Riyadh is considered the frontrunner by many. However, the Korean government suspects Riyadh is unlikely to gain a two-thirds vote in the first round, which is necessary to clinch victory. Korea is betting on a run-off vote in which case the country may absorb previous votes cast for Rome. Korea joined the Expo bid race later than others but anticipates to reap results of its 18 month endeavor that included summit talks with some 100 countries. All this, as news of more countries throwing support for Busan trickle in. Kenya and most recently Japan have also reportedly decided to back Busan, according to Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun. This shows that while Japan has considered ties with the Middle East, it ultimately prioritized enhancing relations and future cooperation with Korea.


[Anchor Lead]
Now as we just reported, there's only one day left until the final decision. Representatives from top Korean corporations, artists, and citizens alike have joined forces in the promotional campaign. Here's more.

This is a Busan promotional video released by the Hyundai Motor Group last month to win the bid for the World Expo. It was viewed more than 100 million times in just 17 days since its release. About 94% of the viewers were from abroad. A music video supporting the bid for the World Expo in Busan made by Suni and Seven Princesses, a group of 80-something granny rappers from Chilgok. They may not be as world-famous as BTS or BLACKPINK, but they are doing their part to bring the World Expo to Busan. Songs echoed over the streets and subway trains of Busan. Those were Expo support songs with catchy tunes and lyrics. Singers Lee Mu-jin and Chuu wrote songs easy to sing along to draw public support and participation. Actor Lee Jung-jae, world-class soprano Jo Su-mi, Maestro Chung Myung-whun and even Baby Shark. They all joined efforts to promote the city of Busan to the world across generations.

Hwang Jeong-sim (Bid Committee for World Expo 2030 Busan): It helped win attention from all ages and boost interest in Busan.

Only a day remains until the Expo host city is selected. The decision on the host city will be made in Paris, France where the Bureau International des Expositions' general assembly will be held.


[Anchor Lead]
President Yoon Suk Yeol has accepted the resignations tendered by National Intelligence Service Director Kim Kyou-hyun, First Deputy Director Kwon Chun-taek and Second Deputy Director Kim Soo-youn. Yoon named Hong Jang-won who previously served as former diplomatic minister at the Korean embassy in the UK to be the new first deputy director. For the second deputy director, the president named Hwang Won-jin, who had been in charge of intelligence on North Korea at the agency. The new first deputy director will serve as an acting NIS director for the time being.


[Anchor Lead]
In the previous presidential election, the innovative use of AI technology in campaigns garnered significant attention. As we approach next year's general election, a vigorous debate has erupted in the National Assembly about the extent to which this 'deep fake campaigning' should be permitted.

I am AI Yoon Suk Yeol.

Same face and same voice, but this is not President Yoon Suk Yeol. This is a so-called deep fake or an avatar of Yoon created by artificial intelligence during his presidential campaign. His rival, Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party, also featured an AI avatar at the time. These AI avatars of the candidates were hugely popular as they even responded to voter questions. Using deep fake technology, anyone can easily make such vivid videos. But there are concerns its misuse can turn deep fake into a tool for propagating fake news. However, the law currently lacks clear regulations regarding campaign tactics employing such technology. Ahead of next year's general election, the National Assembly has begun discussions on whether to regulate deep fake, and if so, how. A subpanel of a parliamentary committee on political reform recently discussed revising election laws to punish those creating candidate videos using AI and circulating false information. But the panel failed to reach an agreement. Lawmakers were split. Some want a complete ban, saying deep fake itself is false and can negatively affect elections. But others say a ban is not reasonable given the advance of AI.

Kim Young-bae (Democratic Party (Nov. 24)): The issue is whether to allow deep fake in campaigning and if so, whether legislation will focus on punishment or regulation.

The subcommittee will hold another meeting next month to continue discussions. Attention is drawn to what degree deep fake campaigning will be allowed.


[Anchor Lead]
A doctors' organization says it will hold a vote and decide on whether or not to go on strike if the government continues to push ahead with its plan to increase the annual enrollment quota for medical schools. Korean Medical Association Chairman Lee Pil-soo criticized the government for using only medical schools' opinions as the grounds for its quota rise plan. Lee said it is the time to take active action to block the government's push and the KMA will set up an emergency committee next week.


[Anchor Lead]
Utilized in aviation and car navigation, GPS is a crucial technology. South Korea's advanced communication satellite, set to launch next year, aims to reduce GPS errors to about 1 meter. We bring you a report from the satellite's production site in France.

This is a cluster of some 800 aerospace industries located in Toulouse, France. The satellite that engineers from Europe's largest satellite maker are working on is Korea's civilian communications satellite Koreasat 6A. The Koreasat 6A will be equipped with a satellite-based augmentation system named KASS, developed jointly with the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. Unveiled for the first time, KASS augments errors to boost the accuracy of satellite-based GPS location service. Currently, the GPS margin of error stands at 15 meters horizontally and 33 meters vertically. Once KASS is commercialized with the launch of the Koreasat 6A, the margin of error can be reduced to one meter.

Yannick (Project supervisor, Thales Alenia Space):

When the GPS locationing error is reduced, not only will it enhance the stability of aircraft takeoffs and landings but also speed up the development of self-driving vehicles, urban air mobility, and other future transportation means. The next-generation Koreasat 6A satellite is to be launched in 2024 at the earliest and replace the current Koreasat 6. Once that happens, more accurate GPS location information will be available in the latter half.


[Anchor Lead]
In a developing story on the 'Celebrity Drug Use Allegations', an arrest warrant review is currently underway for a doctor accused of supplying drugs to a nightclub manager. According to KBS investigations, the doctor, who reportedly provided the drugs without charge, is now under police scrutiny over concerns that these drugs might have been used by actor Lee Sun-kyun.

A clinic in Gangnam-gu District, Seoul.

(Clinic employee (VOICE MODIFIED)): (Is the doctor here?) No, he’s not. You should make an appointment in advance.

Police booked a doctor of this clinic on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. Investigators also raided the clinic on November 9. This came after police found that the doctor had supplied illegal substances to a female bar employee, a key figure in a drug scandal involving celebrities. Police believe that she received drugs from this doctor and gave them to actor Lee Sun-kyun. The doctor had appeared in a TV health program and gained publicity. He also won greater fame for his medical expertise and skills. KBS has found that the employee had told police that the doctor first proposed the use of drugs. The employee said the doctor told her that he brought a birthday gift for her. He asked her to choose from three options and she opted to take all of them. She later found that they were seven grams of methamphetamine, four grams of marijuana and four grams of ketamine. The employee also said the doctor had boasted that he received drugs from his friends coming from overseas and the quality of the substances was far better than those circulating domestically. She stated that she had received drugs from the doctor on three occasions. Police are focusing on January 12 this year. Police confirmed that on that day, the employee visited the doctor's house. After returning home, she was visited by Lee Sun-kyun. Police said they are in the process of verifying the facts, and they cannot confirm the details of the ongoing investigation. After testing negative for drugs in a thorough test, Lee's side changed its stance from not knowing the substances were drugs to suggesting that the drug use itself may not be true. An arrest warrant review hearing for the doctor is underway at the Incheon District Court. If an arrest warrant is issued, the police's investigation will likely gain pace, given that they would secure more key figures related to the case.


[Anchor Lead]
Defying current trends, the traditional historical drama 'Korea-Khitan War' by KBS has surged to the forefront of broadcast popularity. It masterfully blends veteran actors' performances with digital innovation and meticulous historical accuracy, reviving a thousand-year-old chapter of Korea's history.

Historical epic drama "Korea-Khitan War" is the story of heroes who fought in the legendary Battle of Gwiju in the early 11th century.

Attack the Goryeo main line! Kill Goryeo!

The scene where the Goryeo army led by General Kang Gam-chan facing the mighty Khitan forces is awe-inspiring.

Goryeo cavalry, charge!

The exciting battle scene wouldn't have been possible without the help of cutting-edge technology. This scene where hundreds of thousands of Goryeo and Khitan soldiers clashed. It was shot at a special outdoor studio and then re-created with a technology called 'digital crowd.' Actions of some 20 actors were shot first and then a digital crowd of hundreds of thousands of people based on that shot was added into the scene.

Kim Han-sol (Director, ‘Korea-Khitan War’): Only one or two people fight. Then, the crowd is inserted to complete this spear cart scene.

The spear cart was Goryeo's secret weapon against Khitan's mounted soldiers. An endless line of imposing spear carts was made possible using this technique.

Kim Seung-jun (Director, KBS Special Effects): CG crowds were used to create large combat forces. The realistic battle scene at the fortress was made possible by extending the non-existent fortress walls.

Thorough historical research made the war drama even more impressive and realistic. Heunghwajin Battle where only 3,000 Goryeo soldiers defeated an army of 400,000 Khitans was shot at the actual fortress before computer graphics were added. The attack on the fortress using fire arrows was recreated to show what happened more than a millennium ago.

Kim Han-sol (Director, ‘Korea-Khitan War’): We made actual Korean bows and made actors shoot it in the archery style. We put in a lot of research to ensure such details are realistic.

Historical epic "Korea-Khitan War," featuring incredible performance by renowned actors and advanced digital technology, is writing a new chapter in TV drama production history.

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    • 입력 2023-11-27 14:55:49
    • 수정2023-11-27 16:45:05
    News Today

[Anchor Lead]
With the vote for the 2030 World Expo host city imminent, President Yoon Suk Yeol has concluded his intensive campaigning in Paris. Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is now leading the final bid efforts. Amidst significant developments, including Japan's reported support for Busan, anticipation is running high.

President Yoon Suk Yeol hosted three events during his 3-day stay in Paris. Over half of the 182 member nations of the Bureau International des Expositions are known to have attended the events. Yoon met with one national representative after another to promote Busan's World Expo bid.

Kim Tae-hyo (Principal Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser): The president’s visit to France right before the vote will add momentum and is seen as wrapping up all promotional activities held to date.

With just one day left to the critical vote deciding the winning city, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is in the French capital for a last-minute pitch. He is set to target BIE members that have yet to decide on a candidate city or who are possibly swaying in their earlier decision. Han vowed to do his best to the very end to deliver good news to the people. So far, Saudi Arabia's Riyadh is considered the frontrunner by many. However, the Korean government suspects Riyadh is unlikely to gain a two-thirds vote in the first round, which is necessary to clinch victory. Korea is betting on a run-off vote in which case the country may absorb previous votes cast for Rome. Korea joined the Expo bid race later than others but anticipates to reap results of its 18 month endeavor that included summit talks with some 100 countries. All this, as news of more countries throwing support for Busan trickle in. Kenya and most recently Japan have also reportedly decided to back Busan, according to Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun. This shows that while Japan has considered ties with the Middle East, it ultimately prioritized enhancing relations and future cooperation with Korea.


[Anchor Lead]
Now as we just reported, there's only one day left until the final decision. Representatives from top Korean corporations, artists, and citizens alike have joined forces in the promotional campaign. Here's more.

This is a Busan promotional video released by the Hyundai Motor Group last month to win the bid for the World Expo. It was viewed more than 100 million times in just 17 days since its release. About 94% of the viewers were from abroad. A music video supporting the bid for the World Expo in Busan made by Suni and Seven Princesses, a group of 80-something granny rappers from Chilgok. They may not be as world-famous as BTS or BLACKPINK, but they are doing their part to bring the World Expo to Busan. Songs echoed over the streets and subway trains of Busan. Those were Expo support songs with catchy tunes and lyrics. Singers Lee Mu-jin and Chuu wrote songs easy to sing along to draw public support and participation. Actor Lee Jung-jae, world-class soprano Jo Su-mi, Maestro Chung Myung-whun and even Baby Shark. They all joined efforts to promote the city of Busan to the world across generations.

Hwang Jeong-sim (Bid Committee for World Expo 2030 Busan): It helped win attention from all ages and boost interest in Busan.

Only a day remains until the Expo host city is selected. The decision on the host city will be made in Paris, France where the Bureau International des Expositions' general assembly will be held.


[Anchor Lead]
President Yoon Suk Yeol has accepted the resignations tendered by National Intelligence Service Director Kim Kyou-hyun, First Deputy Director Kwon Chun-taek and Second Deputy Director Kim Soo-youn. Yoon named Hong Jang-won who previously served as former diplomatic minister at the Korean embassy in the UK to be the new first deputy director. For the second deputy director, the president named Hwang Won-jin, who had been in charge of intelligence on North Korea at the agency. The new first deputy director will serve as an acting NIS director for the time being.


[Anchor Lead]
In the previous presidential election, the innovative use of AI technology in campaigns garnered significant attention. As we approach next year's general election, a vigorous debate has erupted in the National Assembly about the extent to which this 'deep fake campaigning' should be permitted.

I am AI Yoon Suk Yeol.

Same face and same voice, but this is not President Yoon Suk Yeol. This is a so-called deep fake or an avatar of Yoon created by artificial intelligence during his presidential campaign. His rival, Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party, also featured an AI avatar at the time. These AI avatars of the candidates were hugely popular as they even responded to voter questions. Using deep fake technology, anyone can easily make such vivid videos. But there are concerns its misuse can turn deep fake into a tool for propagating fake news. However, the law currently lacks clear regulations regarding campaign tactics employing such technology. Ahead of next year's general election, the National Assembly has begun discussions on whether to regulate deep fake, and if so, how. A subpanel of a parliamentary committee on political reform recently discussed revising election laws to punish those creating candidate videos using AI and circulating false information. But the panel failed to reach an agreement. Lawmakers were split. Some want a complete ban, saying deep fake itself is false and can negatively affect elections. But others say a ban is not reasonable given the advance of AI.

Kim Young-bae (Democratic Party (Nov. 24)): The issue is whether to allow deep fake in campaigning and if so, whether legislation will focus on punishment or regulation.

The subcommittee will hold another meeting next month to continue discussions. Attention is drawn to what degree deep fake campaigning will be allowed.


[Anchor Lead]
A doctors' organization says it will hold a vote and decide on whether or not to go on strike if the government continues to push ahead with its plan to increase the annual enrollment quota for medical schools. Korean Medical Association Chairman Lee Pil-soo criticized the government for using only medical schools' opinions as the grounds for its quota rise plan. Lee said it is the time to take active action to block the government's push and the KMA will set up an emergency committee next week.


[Anchor Lead]
Utilized in aviation and car navigation, GPS is a crucial technology. South Korea's advanced communication satellite, set to launch next year, aims to reduce GPS errors to about 1 meter. We bring you a report from the satellite's production site in France.

This is a cluster of some 800 aerospace industries located in Toulouse, France. The satellite that engineers from Europe's largest satellite maker are working on is Korea's civilian communications satellite Koreasat 6A. The Koreasat 6A will be equipped with a satellite-based augmentation system named KASS, developed jointly with the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. Unveiled for the first time, KASS augments errors to boost the accuracy of satellite-based GPS location service. Currently, the GPS margin of error stands at 15 meters horizontally and 33 meters vertically. Once KASS is commercialized with the launch of the Koreasat 6A, the margin of error can be reduced to one meter.

Yannick (Project supervisor, Thales Alenia Space):

When the GPS locationing error is reduced, not only will it enhance the stability of aircraft takeoffs and landings but also speed up the development of self-driving vehicles, urban air mobility, and other future transportation means. The next-generation Koreasat 6A satellite is to be launched in 2024 at the earliest and replace the current Koreasat 6. Once that happens, more accurate GPS location information will be available in the latter half.


[Anchor Lead]
In a developing story on the 'Celebrity Drug Use Allegations', an arrest warrant review is currently underway for a doctor accused of supplying drugs to a nightclub manager. According to KBS investigations, the doctor, who reportedly provided the drugs without charge, is now under police scrutiny over concerns that these drugs might have been used by actor Lee Sun-kyun.

A clinic in Gangnam-gu District, Seoul.

(Clinic employee (VOICE MODIFIED)): (Is the doctor here?) No, he’s not. You should make an appointment in advance.

Police booked a doctor of this clinic on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. Investigators also raided the clinic on November 9. This came after police found that the doctor had supplied illegal substances to a female bar employee, a key figure in a drug scandal involving celebrities. Police believe that she received drugs from this doctor and gave them to actor Lee Sun-kyun. The doctor had appeared in a TV health program and gained publicity. He also won greater fame for his medical expertise and skills. KBS has found that the employee had told police that the doctor first proposed the use of drugs. The employee said the doctor told her that he brought a birthday gift for her. He asked her to choose from three options and she opted to take all of them. She later found that they were seven grams of methamphetamine, four grams of marijuana and four grams of ketamine. The employee also said the doctor had boasted that he received drugs from his friends coming from overseas and the quality of the substances was far better than those circulating domestically. She stated that she had received drugs from the doctor on three occasions. Police are focusing on January 12 this year. Police confirmed that on that day, the employee visited the doctor's house. After returning home, she was visited by Lee Sun-kyun. Police said they are in the process of verifying the facts, and they cannot confirm the details of the ongoing investigation. After testing negative for drugs in a thorough test, Lee's side changed its stance from not knowing the substances were drugs to suggesting that the drug use itself may not be true. An arrest warrant review hearing for the doctor is underway at the Incheon District Court. If an arrest warrant is issued, the police's investigation will likely gain pace, given that they would secure more key figures related to the case.


[Anchor Lead]
Defying current trends, the traditional historical drama 'Korea-Khitan War' by KBS has surged to the forefront of broadcast popularity. It masterfully blends veteran actors' performances with digital innovation and meticulous historical accuracy, reviving a thousand-year-old chapter of Korea's history.

Historical epic drama "Korea-Khitan War" is the story of heroes who fought in the legendary Battle of Gwiju in the early 11th century.

Attack the Goryeo main line! Kill Goryeo!

The scene where the Goryeo army led by General Kang Gam-chan facing the mighty Khitan forces is awe-inspiring.

Goryeo cavalry, charge!

The exciting battle scene wouldn't have been possible without the help of cutting-edge technology. This scene where hundreds of thousands of Goryeo and Khitan soldiers clashed. It was shot at a special outdoor studio and then re-created with a technology called 'digital crowd.' Actions of some 20 actors were shot first and then a digital crowd of hundreds of thousands of people based on that shot was added into the scene.

Kim Han-sol (Director, ‘Korea-Khitan War’): Only one or two people fight. Then, the crowd is inserted to complete this spear cart scene.

The spear cart was Goryeo's secret weapon against Khitan's mounted soldiers. An endless line of imposing spear carts was made possible using this technique.

Kim Seung-jun (Director, KBS Special Effects): CG crowds were used to create large combat forces. The realistic battle scene at the fortress was made possible by extending the non-existent fortress walls.

Thorough historical research made the war drama even more impressive and realistic. Heunghwajin Battle where only 3,000 Goryeo soldiers defeated an army of 400,000 Khitans was shot at the actual fortress before computer graphics were added. The attack on the fortress using fire arrows was recreated to show what happened more than a millennium ago.

Kim Han-sol (Director, ‘Korea-Khitan War’): We made actual Korean bows and made actors shoot it in the archery style. We put in a lot of research to ensure such details are realistic.

Historical epic "Korea-Khitan War," featuring incredible performance by renowned actors and advanced digital technology, is writing a new chapter in TV drama production history.

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