Countdown to Pyeongchang

입력 2017.07.25 (14:07) 수정 2017.07.25 (14:17)

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[Anchor Lead]

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics is less than 200 days away. President Moon Jae-in is leading efforts to promote the sporting event, stepping up as a goodwill ambassador for the games. He also said the door will be left open to the end concerning North Korea's participation in the games.


The number is clearly seen on a green lawn at Alpensia Resort in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do Province. An event held to promote the success of the PyeongChang winter games was attended by President Moon Jae-in, government officials, lawmakers, athletes and volunteers. President Moon was handed a name card as a goodwill ambassador for the Olympics from figure skater Kim Yuna. He expressed his firm determination to successfully host the games.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "The central government also pledges to unify efforts to successfully host the Olympics by all means."

The president also expressed his hopes for North Korea's participation in next year's winter games to make the event a celebration for all of the Korean people. While urging the North to take part, he added he will not rush that call.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "We will leave the door wide open until the very end and wait for North Korea's participation. I hope the games can be a grand festival for all Koreans."

The government is taking the lead in promoting the Olympics, but the Pyeongchang fever has yet to be palpably felt. Only about 21% percent of the total 1.07 million tickets have been sold so far, with a heavy emphasis on the more popular events. Officials are contemplating ideas to fill the stadium seats. With the first Olympic Games hosted by Korea in 30 years since 1988 fast approaching, national attention is being drawn to whether the Pyeongchang event will be a success.

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  • Countdown to Pyeongchang
    • 입력 2017-07-25 14:01:57
    • 수정2017-07-25 14:17:38
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics is less than 200 days away. President Moon Jae-in is leading efforts to promote the sporting event, stepping up as a goodwill ambassador for the games. He also said the door will be left open to the end concerning North Korea's participation in the games.


The number is clearly seen on a green lawn at Alpensia Resort in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do Province. An event held to promote the success of the PyeongChang winter games was attended by President Moon Jae-in, government officials, lawmakers, athletes and volunteers. President Moon was handed a name card as a goodwill ambassador for the Olympics from figure skater Kim Yuna. He expressed his firm determination to successfully host the games.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "The central government also pledges to unify efforts to successfully host the Olympics by all means."

The president also expressed his hopes for North Korea's participation in next year's winter games to make the event a celebration for all of the Korean people. While urging the North to take part, he added he will not rush that call.

[Soundbite] Pres. Moon Jae-in : "We will leave the door wide open until the very end and wait for North Korea's participation. I hope the games can be a grand festival for all Koreans."

The government is taking the lead in promoting the Olympics, but the Pyeongchang fever has yet to be palpably felt. Only about 21% percent of the total 1.07 million tickets have been sold so far, with a heavy emphasis on the more popular events. Officials are contemplating ideas to fill the stadium seats. With the first Olympic Games hosted by Korea in 30 years since 1988 fast approaching, national attention is being drawn to whether the Pyeongchang event will be a success.

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