Electromagnetic Pulse

입력 2017.09.04 (13:56) 수정 2017.09.04 (14:02)

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[Anchor Lead]

North Korea’s weekend provocation came accompanied by a threat that the regime could launch an electromagnetic pulse or EMP attack. In our next report, we bring you a detailed explanation of what an EMP is and what kind of damage it can do.


North Korea disclosed a model of its hydrogen bomb before the latest nuclear test and threatened to launch an electromagnetic pulse or EMP attack.

[Soundbite] Korean Central TV(N. Korea, Sept. 3) : "It is a multifunctional thermonuclear weapon that can launch a powerful EMP attack on a large area by detonating at high altitude to fulfill a strategic objective."

An EMP is a burst of powerful electronic energy generated in a nuclear explosion. It is capable of disabling all electronic devices operated by semiconductors. Experts explain that EMPs can effectively plunge a country back to the stone age by halting or disrupting the operation of automobiles and other transportation means, financial institutions, hospitals, communication facilities, and all backbone facilities. If a 100-kiloton grade nuclear bomb were to be detonated 100 kilometers above Seoul, an area up to 170 kilometers in radius to the south would suffer damage from an EMP attack. South Korea would effectively come to a complete stop. All areas of the U.S. would also be affected by EMPs if a nuclear missile were to detonate at an altitude of 400 kilometers.

[Soundbite] Prof. Suh Kune Yull(Seoul Nat'l Univ.) : "The entire country will be paralyzed. The very foundation of a nation would be destroyed, so its destructive power is beyond our imagination."

Cutting-edge military weapons are useless against EMPs. But South Korea is helpless against North Korea's EMP attacks, as the country does not have any defense facilities against EMP attacks, except in a few military bases.

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  • Electromagnetic Pulse
    • 입력 2017-09-04 13:56:33
    • 수정2017-09-04 14:02:46
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

North Korea’s weekend provocation came accompanied by a threat that the regime could launch an electromagnetic pulse or EMP attack. In our next report, we bring you a detailed explanation of what an EMP is and what kind of damage it can do.


North Korea disclosed a model of its hydrogen bomb before the latest nuclear test and threatened to launch an electromagnetic pulse or EMP attack.

[Soundbite] Korean Central TV(N. Korea, Sept. 3) : "It is a multifunctional thermonuclear weapon that can launch a powerful EMP attack on a large area by detonating at high altitude to fulfill a strategic objective."

An EMP is a burst of powerful electronic energy generated in a nuclear explosion. It is capable of disabling all electronic devices operated by semiconductors. Experts explain that EMPs can effectively plunge a country back to the stone age by halting or disrupting the operation of automobiles and other transportation means, financial institutions, hospitals, communication facilities, and all backbone facilities. If a 100-kiloton grade nuclear bomb were to be detonated 100 kilometers above Seoul, an area up to 170 kilometers in radius to the south would suffer damage from an EMP attack. South Korea would effectively come to a complete stop. All areas of the U.S. would also be affected by EMPs if a nuclear missile were to detonate at an altitude of 400 kilometers.

[Soundbite] Prof. Suh Kune Yull(Seoul Nat'l Univ.) : "The entire country will be paralyzed. The very foundation of a nation would be destroyed, so its destructive power is beyond our imagination."

Cutting-edge military weapons are useless against EMPs. But South Korea is helpless against North Korea's EMP attacks, as the country does not have any defense facilities against EMP attacks, except in a few military bases.

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