Military Exercise

입력 2017.09.04 (13:58) 수정 2017.09.04 (14:02)

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[Anchor Lead]

On Monday, the South Korean armed forces staged a military exercise on the east coast in response to Pyongyang's sixth nuclear test. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the South Korean military conducted a joint Air Force-Army missile drill at dawn on Monday, adding that the exercise involved the Army's surface-to-surface Hyunmoo missile and the Air Force's long-range air-to-surface missiles that were fired into the East Sea.

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  • Military Exercise
    • 입력 2017-09-04 13:56:33
    • 수정2017-09-04 14:02:47
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

On Monday, the South Korean armed forces staged a military exercise on the east coast in response to Pyongyang's sixth nuclear test. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the South Korean military conducted a joint Air Force-Army missile drill at dawn on Monday, adding that the exercise involved the Army's surface-to-surface Hyunmoo missile and the Air Force's long-range air-to-surface missiles that were fired into the East Sea.

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