Trump State Visit

입력 2017.11.07 (14:54) 수정 2017.11.07 (16:41)

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[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump has arrived in Korea for a two-day state visit. During his stay, he will hold a summit meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, deliver a speech at the National Assembly and visit a U.S. military base to underscore the strength of the South Korea-U.S. alliance.


President Donald Trump, the first American leader to pay a state visit to South Korea in 25 years, arrived at the U.S. military base in the city of Osan on Tuesday. He first visited Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, the largest U.S. military base overseas. President Trump encouraged the American and South Korean troops and received a report on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. In the afternoon, the U.S. and South Korean presidents had one-on-one and extended summit meetings. They will hold a joint news conference shortly. The agenda of the talks presumably included bilateral cooperation on the North Korea nuclear crisis, establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, and the revision of the bilateral free trade agreement. The two heads of state also took a walk around the presidential complex, while the first ladies of the two countries had a chat at Sangchunjae, a Korean traditional style structure in the Cheong Wa Dae. In the evening, a state dinner will be attended by some 120 representatives of the political, business and cultural sectors of Korea and the U.S.

[Soundbite] Park Soo-hyun(Cheong Wa Dae Spokesperson) : "The state dinner will be organized in a way that will promote friendship between the two presidents and first ladies, and underscore the meaning of a strong bilateral alliance."

On Wednesday, President Trump will deliver a speech at the National Assembly on the future of policies regarding the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. He will then pay a visit to the National Cemetery in Seoul before heading to China. Police in Seoul will be placed on the highest alert level through Wednesday during President Trump's stay in the country.

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  • Trump State Visit
    • 입력 2017-11-07 14:58:08
    • 수정2017-11-07 16:41:25
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump has arrived in Korea for a two-day state visit. During his stay, he will hold a summit meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, deliver a speech at the National Assembly and visit a U.S. military base to underscore the strength of the South Korea-U.S. alliance.


President Donald Trump, the first American leader to pay a state visit to South Korea in 25 years, arrived at the U.S. military base in the city of Osan on Tuesday. He first visited Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, the largest U.S. military base overseas. President Trump encouraged the American and South Korean troops and received a report on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. In the afternoon, the U.S. and South Korean presidents had one-on-one and extended summit meetings. They will hold a joint news conference shortly. The agenda of the talks presumably included bilateral cooperation on the North Korea nuclear crisis, establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, and the revision of the bilateral free trade agreement. The two heads of state also took a walk around the presidential complex, while the first ladies of the two countries had a chat at Sangchunjae, a Korean traditional style structure in the Cheong Wa Dae. In the evening, a state dinner will be attended by some 120 representatives of the political, business and cultural sectors of Korea and the U.S.

[Soundbite] Park Soo-hyun(Cheong Wa Dae Spokesperson) : "The state dinner will be organized in a way that will promote friendship between the two presidents and first ladies, and underscore the meaning of a strong bilateral alliance."

On Wednesday, President Trump will deliver a speech at the National Assembly on the future of policies regarding the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. He will then pay a visit to the National Cemetery in Seoul before heading to China. Police in Seoul will be placed on the highest alert level through Wednesday during President Trump's stay in the country.

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