Joint Military Drills

입력 2017.11.07 (14:57) 수정 2017.11.07 (16:41)

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[Anchor Lead]

South Korea and the United States will hold a series of joint military drills during President Donald Trump's visit to Korea. As with his visit to Japan, President Trump will begin his visit to Korea by stopping by a U.S. military base in a show of America's military strength.


The naval forces of South Korea, the United States and Australia have started combined maritime training exercises off Jeju Island. The exercise involves four surface ships including Aegis destroyers and convoys of the three countries. The three countries' navies will practice detecting, tracing and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction by using maritime patrol aircraft and operation helicopters.

[Soundbite] Lt. Col. Chang Wook(S. Korean Navy) : "This exercise is aimed at preventing the shipments of North Korean nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction as well implementing the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Pyongyang's illegal provocations."

The South Korean and U.S. navies will also conduct an air fire drill over two weeks in the seas off Baeknyeongdo and Yeonpyeongdo islands. The exercise will be conducted by having fighter jets and warships accurately strike targets selected by the Marine Corps using wireless communication on land. The Marine Corps of South Korea and the United States have held intensive trainings on gunfire and air strike targets to prepare for surprise attacks near the northwest islands. The military is maintaining a high alert level due to the possibility of a provocation from North Korea during the U.S. president's visit to South Korea.

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  • Joint Military Drills
    • 입력 2017-11-07 14:58:08
    • 수정2017-11-07 16:41:26
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

South Korea and the United States will hold a series of joint military drills during President Donald Trump's visit to Korea. As with his visit to Japan, President Trump will begin his visit to Korea by stopping by a U.S. military base in a show of America's military strength.


The naval forces of South Korea, the United States and Australia have started combined maritime training exercises off Jeju Island. The exercise involves four surface ships including Aegis destroyers and convoys of the three countries. The three countries' navies will practice detecting, tracing and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction by using maritime patrol aircraft and operation helicopters.

[Soundbite] Lt. Col. Chang Wook(S. Korean Navy) : "This exercise is aimed at preventing the shipments of North Korean nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction as well implementing the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Pyongyang's illegal provocations."

The South Korean and U.S. navies will also conduct an air fire drill over two weeks in the seas off Baeknyeongdo and Yeonpyeongdo islands. The exercise will be conducted by having fighter jets and warships accurately strike targets selected by the Marine Corps using wireless communication on land. The Marine Corps of South Korea and the United States have held intensive trainings on gunfire and air strike targets to prepare for surprise attacks near the northwest islands. The military is maintaining a high alert level due to the possibility of a provocation from North Korea during the U.S. president's visit to South Korea.

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