입력 2019.11.22 (15:22) 수정 2019.11.22 (16:47)

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[Anchor Lead]

The government disclosed yesterday its revision of the alternate military service system. According to these new guidelines, K-pop group BTS will not be exempt from military service although petitioners claim that they made great contribution to spreading Korean music and culture around the world.


The much-anticipated revision of the alternative military service system for artists and athletes is unveiled. Overall, there are no major changes. The government claims the existing system does an adequate job of boosting morale and preserving honor. Authorities pointed out, since not that many artists and athletes are exempted from the service in the first place, a reduction in their number would not lead to a big increase in conscript soldiers. In the sporting arena, current rules will be applied, granting exemption only to medalists from the Olympics and Asian Games. In the case of team events, exemption will be granted even to reserves who did not get playing time. There will be changes to the criteria for player selection, as the process received much criticism.

[Soundbite] LEE NAM-WOO(MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE) : "The selection process will be made fairer and more transparent by releasing to the public the detailed criteria, procedures, and related data."

The government rejected the demand to make pop artists like BTS eligible for alternative military service. Authorities explained that, unlike the fine arts, pop art has no objective criteria and has a wide spectrum, making it difficult to determine how far the exemption should be extended.

[Soundbite] LEE NAM-WOO(MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE) : "They were excluded from our review, given the overall reduction of alternate military service and the government's attempt to boost the fairness of military service."

The government will gradually reduce the number of industry technicians, master's degree researchers, and other alternative service options. A necessary change as Korea's population decline resulted in a shortage of men eligible for military service. However, the number of exempted doctorate degree researchers will be kept at the current level, in order to produce more highly skilled personnel in the science and engineering sector.

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    • 입력 2019-11-22 15:24:18
    • 수정2019-11-22 16:47:55
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The government disclosed yesterday its revision of the alternate military service system. According to these new guidelines, K-pop group BTS will not be exempt from military service although petitioners claim that they made great contribution to spreading Korean music and culture around the world.


The much-anticipated revision of the alternative military service system for artists and athletes is unveiled. Overall, there are no major changes. The government claims the existing system does an adequate job of boosting morale and preserving honor. Authorities pointed out, since not that many artists and athletes are exempted from the service in the first place, a reduction in their number would not lead to a big increase in conscript soldiers. In the sporting arena, current rules will be applied, granting exemption only to medalists from the Olympics and Asian Games. In the case of team events, exemption will be granted even to reserves who did not get playing time. There will be changes to the criteria for player selection, as the process received much criticism.

[Soundbite] LEE NAM-WOO(MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE) : "The selection process will be made fairer and more transparent by releasing to the public the detailed criteria, procedures, and related data."

The government rejected the demand to make pop artists like BTS eligible for alternative military service. Authorities explained that, unlike the fine arts, pop art has no objective criteria and has a wide spectrum, making it difficult to determine how far the exemption should be extended.

[Soundbite] LEE NAM-WOO(MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE) : "They were excluded from our review, given the overall reduction of alternate military service and the government's attempt to boost the fairness of military service."

The government will gradually reduce the number of industry technicians, master's degree researchers, and other alternative service options. A necessary change as Korea's population decline resulted in a shortage of men eligible for military service. However, the number of exempted doctorate degree researchers will be kept at the current level, in order to produce more highly skilled personnel in the science and engineering sector.

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