입력 2019.11.22 (15:24) 수정 2019.11.22 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

South Korea's presidential office maintains the stance that a military intelligence sharing agreement with Japan will expire as scheduled unless there is change in Japan's attitude. GSOMIA is set to expire at Friday midnight unless the two sides reach a dramatic deal in the remaining hours.
According to an Environment Ministry plan to reduce the use of disposable products, starting 2021, customers will need to pay for disposable cups when they want to take the drink they were drinking inside a store such as a cafe outside for a take-out. Following plastic cups, the use of paper cups will also be banned inside establishments.
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family on Friday announced measures to better protect the human rights of foreign women who are migrating to Korea for marriage. For one, Koreans with criminal records such as sex crimes will not be allowed to invite foreign spouses into the country.
The H5 type of the avian influenza virus has been found in wild bird feces sampled in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. Authorities have designated an area within a ten kilometer radius of this location as a special monitoring site for wild birds. Sterilization operations and movement control are being implemented.

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    • 입력 2019-11-22 15:24:18
    • 수정2019-11-22 16:46:11
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

South Korea's presidential office maintains the stance that a military intelligence sharing agreement with Japan will expire as scheduled unless there is change in Japan's attitude. GSOMIA is set to expire at Friday midnight unless the two sides reach a dramatic deal in the remaining hours.
According to an Environment Ministry plan to reduce the use of disposable products, starting 2021, customers will need to pay for disposable cups when they want to take the drink they were drinking inside a store such as a cafe outside for a take-out. Following plastic cups, the use of paper cups will also be banned inside establishments.
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family on Friday announced measures to better protect the human rights of foreign women who are migrating to Korea for marriage. For one, Koreans with criminal records such as sex crimes will not be allowed to invite foreign spouses into the country.
The H5 type of the avian influenza virus has been found in wild bird feces sampled in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. Authorities have designated an area within a ten kilometer radius of this location as a special monitoring site for wild birds. Sterilization operations and movement control are being implemented.

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