입력 2021.08.09 (15:12) 수정 2021.08.09 (16:52)

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[Anchor Lead]

A funeral has been held for mountaineer Kim Hong-bin, the first climber with disabilities to conquer all 14 Himalayan peaks. His family and colleagues came to say goodbye.


Last month Kim Hong-bin became the world’s first disabled mountaineer to conquer all 14 Himalayan peaks. He went missing during his descent from Broad Peak, located more than 8,000 meters above sea level. A funeral for the climber was held on Sunday. Kim lost all his fingers due to frost bite when climbing the highest peak in North America 30 years ago, but continued his dream showing extraordinary courage. His bereaved family has yet to come to grips with his passing.

[Soundbite] (Kim Hong-bin’s wife) : "My beloved husband Kim Hong-bin, leave peacefully on your rough, cold feet."

When an audio with Kim’s voice began playing at the funeral, his family broke down into tears. His colleagues who climbed many mountains with him are at a loss for words.

[Soundbite] Chung Chan-deuk(Gwangju-Jeonnam Student Alpine Federation) : "This was supposed to be a celebration of conquering all 14 peaks. You have climbed too far so far that you will never be able to come back again."

The funeral was held with only 49 people in attendance in line with COVID-19 restrictions. The public paid respects to the renowned climber by watching the memorial ceremony on a screen outside the funeral hall.

[Soundbite] Kim Hyun-dae(Naju Resident) : "I was always moved by his warm heart. It’s heartbreaking to lose him."

Kim’s portrait has been placed in a Buddhist temple in Gwangju. The dauntless climber now rests in peace in the Himalayas the place of his passion and destiny.

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    • 입력 2021-08-09 15:12:18
    • 수정2021-08-09 16:52:12
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A funeral has been held for mountaineer Kim Hong-bin, the first climber with disabilities to conquer all 14 Himalayan peaks. His family and colleagues came to say goodbye.


Last month Kim Hong-bin became the world’s first disabled mountaineer to conquer all 14 Himalayan peaks. He went missing during his descent from Broad Peak, located more than 8,000 meters above sea level. A funeral for the climber was held on Sunday. Kim lost all his fingers due to frost bite when climbing the highest peak in North America 30 years ago, but continued his dream showing extraordinary courage. His bereaved family has yet to come to grips with his passing.

[Soundbite] (Kim Hong-bin’s wife) : "My beloved husband Kim Hong-bin, leave peacefully on your rough, cold feet."

When an audio with Kim’s voice began playing at the funeral, his family broke down into tears. His colleagues who climbed many mountains with him are at a loss for words.

[Soundbite] Chung Chan-deuk(Gwangju-Jeonnam Student Alpine Federation) : "This was supposed to be a celebration of conquering all 14 peaks. You have climbed too far so far that you will never be able to come back again."

The funeral was held with only 49 people in attendance in line with COVID-19 restrictions. The public paid respects to the renowned climber by watching the memorial ceremony on a screen outside the funeral hall.

[Soundbite] Kim Hyun-dae(Naju Resident) : "I was always moved by his warm heart. It’s heartbreaking to lose him."

Kim’s portrait has been placed in a Buddhist temple in Gwangju. The dauntless climber now rests in peace in the Himalayas the place of his passion and destiny.

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