입력 2021.08.09 (15:12) 수정 2021.08.09 (16:52)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Jeju Olle trails have been one of the top tourist destinations for people vacationing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Now there are some new trekking paths in Seogwipo City open for people looking for new activities.


Follow a meandering trail into a wooded area inside this park and you’ll see refreshing Cheonjiyeon Waterfall right before your eyes. Turn away and walk for a while to discover a charming old village. A little farther off, you’ll find the vestiges of life and art of the tragic artist Lee Jung-seob. While walking on the trail infused with natural and human beauty, trekkers are sure to fall in love with the various appeals of Seogwipo.

[Soundbite] Han Su-jin(Daejeon Resident) : "We could have traveled conveniently in a car, but while walking, we can see things more closely than looking out from a car."

The first course of Hayeong Olle in the city center of Seogwipo first opened in May. Two more courses were opened to complete a 22.8-kilometer trail. The government of Seogwipo and the Jeju Tourism Organization worked together to build the trails, conducting on-site surveys and test tours for a year.

[Soundbite] Hong Ki-hwak(Team Leader, Tourism Promotion Team, Seogwipo City Gov’t) : "I hope the trail helps people walk after a meal, or after a stay at a hotel or after work to improve health and quality of life."

You can escape from the dreary everyday life amid the pandemic by walking along the Hayeong Olle trails and find some peace of mind.

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    • 입력 2021-08-09 15:12:18
    • 수정2021-08-09 16:52:12
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Jeju Olle trails have been one of the top tourist destinations for people vacationing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Now there are some new trekking paths in Seogwipo City open for people looking for new activities.


Follow a meandering trail into a wooded area inside this park and you’ll see refreshing Cheonjiyeon Waterfall right before your eyes. Turn away and walk for a while to discover a charming old village. A little farther off, you’ll find the vestiges of life and art of the tragic artist Lee Jung-seob. While walking on the trail infused with natural and human beauty, trekkers are sure to fall in love with the various appeals of Seogwipo.

[Soundbite] Han Su-jin(Daejeon Resident) : "We could have traveled conveniently in a car, but while walking, we can see things more closely than looking out from a car."

The first course of Hayeong Olle in the city center of Seogwipo first opened in May. Two more courses were opened to complete a 22.8-kilometer trail. The government of Seogwipo and the Jeju Tourism Organization worked together to build the trails, conducting on-site surveys and test tours for a year.

[Soundbite] Hong Ki-hwak(Team Leader, Tourism Promotion Team, Seogwipo City Gov’t) : "I hope the trail helps people walk after a meal, or after a stay at a hotel or after work to improve health and quality of life."

You can escape from the dreary everyday life amid the pandemic by walking along the Hayeong Olle trails and find some peace of mind.

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