입력 2022.06.22 (15:03) 수정 2022.06.22 (16:51)

읽어주기 기능은 크롬기반의
브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Disease control authorities are testing two people who entered Korea with the symptoms of monkeypox. One is a foreigner who flew into the country on June 20th and has been hospitalized in the isolation ward of a hospital in Busan since yesterday after suffering from a sore throat and hydropic skin lesion on the 19th. Another case is a Korean national who had returned from Germany yesterday and was transported to Incheon Medical Center for a slight fever and skin lesion after waiting in the airport’s isolation facility. Authorities plan to announce the details in the afternoon.
The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters asked for strict adherence to disease control regulations as the nation gets ready for its first summer vacation season since the removal of the social distancing guidelines. Authorities said that the rules will focus on people’s voluntary compliance rather than restriction and obligation. Last year’s fourth surge stemmed from increased traffic during the summer season, so authorities believe the coming summer could trigger a resurgence.
North Korea’s Rodong Shinmun reported today that Chairman Kim Jong-un presided over the third extended meeting of the Workers’ Party Central Military Commission that was held on June 21st. The state newspaper reported that the meeting’s agenda included the Party’s military stances and the means to carry out military policies. The days-long meeting and its outcome are gaining attention as it is speculated that North Korea is ready to conduct its seventh nuclear test.

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    • 입력 2022-06-22 15:03:44
    • 수정2022-06-22 16:51:16
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Disease control authorities are testing two people who entered Korea with the symptoms of monkeypox. One is a foreigner who flew into the country on June 20th and has been hospitalized in the isolation ward of a hospital in Busan since yesterday after suffering from a sore throat and hydropic skin lesion on the 19th. Another case is a Korean national who had returned from Germany yesterday and was transported to Incheon Medical Center for a slight fever and skin lesion after waiting in the airport’s isolation facility. Authorities plan to announce the details in the afternoon.
The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters asked for strict adherence to disease control regulations as the nation gets ready for its first summer vacation season since the removal of the social distancing guidelines. Authorities said that the rules will focus on people’s voluntary compliance rather than restriction and obligation. Last year’s fourth surge stemmed from increased traffic during the summer season, so authorities believe the coming summer could trigger a resurgence.
North Korea’s Rodong Shinmun reported today that Chairman Kim Jong-un presided over the third extended meeting of the Workers’ Party Central Military Commission that was held on June 21st. The state newspaper reported that the meeting’s agenda included the Party’s military stances and the means to carry out military policies. The days-long meeting and its outcome are gaining attention as it is speculated that North Korea is ready to conduct its seventh nuclear test.

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