입력 2022.06.22 (15:03) 수정 2022.06.22 (16:51)

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[Anchor Lead]

Rival parties are butting heads over the disclosure of records related to a public official who was shot dead by North Korean troops in 2020 near the western sea border. The People Power Party wants the records to be released, while the Democratic Party argues the PPP is trying to attack the former president.


The PPP has launched a task force to investigate the 2020 death of the fisheries ministry official, with its focus squarely aimed at the Moon administration.

[Soundbite] Ha Tae-keung(People Power Party (Head of Task Force)) : "Was the Moon administration really unable to save the official? There was a 6-hour window after he was confirmed to be alive."

The PPP argues the top office at the time, while gathering intelligence, promoted the claim that the official tried to defect to North Korea. It pressured the main opposition party that minutes of ministerial meetings held twice at the presidential office must be viewed.

[Soundbite] Kweon Seong-dong(Floor Leader, People Power Party) : "The disclosure of military Special Intelligence is less important than releasing presidential records which can more conveniently resolve concerns."

The DP instead called for the military to unveil what’s called Special Intelligence, saying that is the key information.

[Soundbite] Jin Sung-joon(First Vice Floor Leader, Democratic Party) : "It's a matter of the military, that is the defense ministry or the gov’t, making a decision to verify and confirm facts."

The DP criticized the ruling camp for targeting the former president while the economy is struggling. It went on to say that if there is a formal request made for the disclosure of presidential records, then it has no reason in principle to avoid that call.

[Soundbite] Woo Sang-ho(DP Emergency Committee Chair) : "What is there not to disclose? But there will be backlash. The public will lay judgment on the ruling party’s politically motivated intentions."

Meanwhile, President Yoon mentioned another incident that took place in 2019 when two defecting North Korean sailors were repatriated back to the North. They were at the time suspected of murdering a dozen of their fellow North Korean fishermen.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "Many citizens wondered about the repatriation and raised questions. I believe the case is being looked into again."

That incident could spark another controversy depending on what agencies find about what role the former presidential office played in the repatriation.

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    • 입력 2022-06-22 15:03:44
    • 수정2022-06-22 16:51:16
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Rival parties are butting heads over the disclosure of records related to a public official who was shot dead by North Korean troops in 2020 near the western sea border. The People Power Party wants the records to be released, while the Democratic Party argues the PPP is trying to attack the former president.


The PPP has launched a task force to investigate the 2020 death of the fisheries ministry official, with its focus squarely aimed at the Moon administration.

[Soundbite] Ha Tae-keung(People Power Party (Head of Task Force)) : "Was the Moon administration really unable to save the official? There was a 6-hour window after he was confirmed to be alive."

The PPP argues the top office at the time, while gathering intelligence, promoted the claim that the official tried to defect to North Korea. It pressured the main opposition party that minutes of ministerial meetings held twice at the presidential office must be viewed.

[Soundbite] Kweon Seong-dong(Floor Leader, People Power Party) : "The disclosure of military Special Intelligence is less important than releasing presidential records which can more conveniently resolve concerns."

The DP instead called for the military to unveil what’s called Special Intelligence, saying that is the key information.

[Soundbite] Jin Sung-joon(First Vice Floor Leader, Democratic Party) : "It's a matter of the military, that is the defense ministry or the gov’t, making a decision to verify and confirm facts."

The DP criticized the ruling camp for targeting the former president while the economy is struggling. It went on to say that if there is a formal request made for the disclosure of presidential records, then it has no reason in principle to avoid that call.

[Soundbite] Woo Sang-ho(DP Emergency Committee Chair) : "What is there not to disclose? But there will be backlash. The public will lay judgment on the ruling party’s politically motivated intentions."

Meanwhile, President Yoon mentioned another incident that took place in 2019 when two defecting North Korean sailors were repatriated back to the North. They were at the time suspected of murdering a dozen of their fellow North Korean fishermen.

[Soundbite] Yoon Suk-yeol(President) : "Many citizens wondered about the repatriation and raised questions. I believe the case is being looked into again."

That incident could spark another controversy depending on what agencies find about what role the former presidential office played in the repatriation.

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