Unusual Markets

입력 2016.06.27 (14:26) 수정 2016.06.27 (14:32)

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[Anchor Lead]

With so many modern supermarket franchises opening in various neighborhoods, shopping at traditional markets can be an unusual and exciting experience among many city dwellers. Let's take a look at some of the unique markets selling items not often found at your average supermarket.


This park in Seoul hosts a flea market once a month. Local residents become sellers as well as buyers at this market.

[Soundbite] Kim Ji-sook(Community Activist) : "This flea market has all kinds of stories from the community. It's a small market where any community resident can sell or buy things."

This section sells used goods. Most of these used items cost between one and three dollars. The sellers are not looking to make money, but to share what they have with their neighbors. What makes this flea market so special is the participation of young children.

[Soundbite] "How much is this? (It's a dollar. One dollar.)"

The flea market provides a real-life opportunity to learn about economic principles.

[Soundbite] Park Jeong-mo(Flea Market Seller) : "It's fun selling things and making money."

There is also a section where items made by local residents are sold. These accessories are quite popular since they're not found anywhere else in the world.

[Soundbite] Chae Sun-yeong(Seoul Resident) : "Isn't it nice to talk and interact with local residents and learn new things?"

This special market only selling desserts gives off a sweet aroma.

[Soundbite] Do Hye-min(Cultural Event Organizer) : "The dessert market was organized for lesser-known small businessmen. It started in 2014 and has been selling desserts for 3 years now."

From cookies and meringues to ice cream there are more than 300 different kinds of desserts available to choose from. But the hottest-selling treat is the macaron.

[Soundbite] Choi Jae-eun(Dessert Seller) : "We sell macarons in the shape of unique characters to show off our personalities."

Large rose-shaped meringue cookies with dried flowers resemble attractive bouquets. Shoppers can make their own chocolate at one of the booths.

[Soundbite] Kim Eun-byeol(Shopper) : "I liked it that there were lots of pretty desserts. I want to come back again."

How about a tour of these special markets with your family this weekend?

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  • Unusual Markets
    • 입력 2016-06-27 14:11:51
    • 수정2016-06-27 14:32:06
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

With so many modern supermarket franchises opening in various neighborhoods, shopping at traditional markets can be an unusual and exciting experience among many city dwellers. Let's take a look at some of the unique markets selling items not often found at your average supermarket.


This park in Seoul hosts a flea market once a month. Local residents become sellers as well as buyers at this market.

[Soundbite] Kim Ji-sook(Community Activist) : "This flea market has all kinds of stories from the community. It's a small market where any community resident can sell or buy things."

This section sells used goods. Most of these used items cost between one and three dollars. The sellers are not looking to make money, but to share what they have with their neighbors. What makes this flea market so special is the participation of young children.

[Soundbite] "How much is this? (It's a dollar. One dollar.)"

The flea market provides a real-life opportunity to learn about economic principles.

[Soundbite] Park Jeong-mo(Flea Market Seller) : "It's fun selling things and making money."

There is also a section where items made by local residents are sold. These accessories are quite popular since they're not found anywhere else in the world.

[Soundbite] Chae Sun-yeong(Seoul Resident) : "Isn't it nice to talk and interact with local residents and learn new things?"

This special market only selling desserts gives off a sweet aroma.

[Soundbite] Do Hye-min(Cultural Event Organizer) : "The dessert market was organized for lesser-known small businessmen. It started in 2014 and has been selling desserts for 3 years now."

From cookies and meringues to ice cream there are more than 300 different kinds of desserts available to choose from. But the hottest-selling treat is the macaron.

[Soundbite] Choi Jae-eun(Dessert Seller) : "We sell macarons in the shape of unique characters to show off our personalities."

Large rose-shaped meringue cookies with dried flowers resemble attractive bouquets. Shoppers can make their own chocolate at one of the booths.

[Soundbite] Kim Eun-byeol(Shopper) : "I liked it that there were lots of pretty desserts. I want to come back again."

How about a tour of these special markets with your family this weekend?

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