Heartfelt Letters

입력 2016.07.25 (14:56) 수정 2016.07.25 (15:03)

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[Anchor Lead]

In our next report we bring you the story of a teacher who has written letters wishing a happy birthday to each and every one of her students for over 20 years. The amazing teacher has written more than 25,000 heart-felt letters.


A teacher hand-writes each word with love and care. Although the letter isn't even half-finished, she suddenly bursts into tears.

[Soundbite] “This student has a leg impairment.”

She has been writing such letters for 22 years. This is just the latest in a batch of more than 25,000 letters sent by 62-year-old Park Gye-ok to students celebrating their birthdays.

[Soundbite] Park Gye-ok(Teacher, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "Remember that the lives of your mom and dad are also in you."

Her sincere, handwritten letters contain just the words each student needs. That's why the letters are such touching presents to the girls.

[Soundbite] Chae Yeon-hee(11th grader, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "I realized that I'm worthy of being congratulated by someone. Oh, this isn't something to cry about."

These handwritten letters empower the students to find their dreams and hopes. This realization is what drove the teacher to keep writing letters since her earliest days at work.

[Soundbite] Park Gye-ok(Teacher, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "I wanted to tell them that I am watching them, thinking about them, love them, and still remember them."

Park has been teaching for 40 years now. This amazing teacher is due to retire next month, but she plans to keep writing letters even after her retirement.

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  • Heartfelt Letters
    • 입력 2016-07-25 14:56:52
    • 수정2016-07-25 15:03:45
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

In our next report we bring you the story of a teacher who has written letters wishing a happy birthday to each and every one of her students for over 20 years. The amazing teacher has written more than 25,000 heart-felt letters.


A teacher hand-writes each word with love and care. Although the letter isn't even half-finished, she suddenly bursts into tears.

[Soundbite] “This student has a leg impairment.”

She has been writing such letters for 22 years. This is just the latest in a batch of more than 25,000 letters sent by 62-year-old Park Gye-ok to students celebrating their birthdays.

[Soundbite] Park Gye-ok(Teacher, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "Remember that the lives of your mom and dad are also in you."

Her sincere, handwritten letters contain just the words each student needs. That's why the letters are such touching presents to the girls.

[Soundbite] Chae Yeon-hee(11th grader, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "I realized that I'm worthy of being congratulated by someone. Oh, this isn't something to cry about."

These handwritten letters empower the students to find their dreams and hopes. This realization is what drove the teacher to keep writing letters since her earliest days at work.

[Soundbite] Park Gye-ok(Teacher, Moonyoung Girls' H.S.) : "I wanted to tell them that I am watching them, thinking about them, love them, and still remember them."

Park has been teaching for 40 years now. This amazing teacher is due to retire next month, but she plans to keep writing letters even after her retirement.

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