NIS Investigation

입력 2017.11.07 (14:58) 수정 2017.11.07 (16:41)

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[Anchor Lead]

A senior prosecutor has committed suicide amid accusations that he had obstructed a 2013 prosecutorial investigation into the National Intelligence Service's alleged online smear campaign before the 2012 presidential election. At the time, he was a dispatched official at the spy agency. He is the second person to commit suicide among those involved in the election meddling scandal, following a lawyer at the NIS. His death is expected to derail an ongoing probe by prosecutors.


Byun Chang-hoon, a prosecutor at the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, jumped off a four-story law firm building in Seocho-dong, Seoul, at around 2 p.m. on Monday. He was rushed to a hospital but died in two hours. Byun was accused of hindering a prosecutorial investigation into the National Intelligence Service's alleged online smear campaign before the 2012 presidential election, as a member of the spy agency's election meddling task force when he was dispatched to the NIS. He was scheduled to receive a warrant review at the Seoul Central District Court at 3 p.m. on Monday. According to the bereaved family, Byun said that he didn't deserve the accusations. He also told his friend that he was not to blame, expressing resentment. The deceased apologized to his family in a text message. This is the second time that a person, allegedly involved in the NIS online smear campaign, has committed suicide. On October 30th, a lawyer who belonged to the NIS and worked with Byun killed himself as well. The prosecution officially expressed condolences over Byun's death. However, the series of suicides by investigation targets will likely have considerable effects on the prosecutors' ongoing probe.

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  • NIS Investigation
    • 입력 2017-11-07 14:58:08
    • 수정2017-11-07 16:41:26
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A senior prosecutor has committed suicide amid accusations that he had obstructed a 2013 prosecutorial investigation into the National Intelligence Service's alleged online smear campaign before the 2012 presidential election. At the time, he was a dispatched official at the spy agency. He is the second person to commit suicide among those involved in the election meddling scandal, following a lawyer at the NIS. His death is expected to derail an ongoing probe by prosecutors.


Byun Chang-hoon, a prosecutor at the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, jumped off a four-story law firm building in Seocho-dong, Seoul, at around 2 p.m. on Monday. He was rushed to a hospital but died in two hours. Byun was accused of hindering a prosecutorial investigation into the National Intelligence Service's alleged online smear campaign before the 2012 presidential election, as a member of the spy agency's election meddling task force when he was dispatched to the NIS. He was scheduled to receive a warrant review at the Seoul Central District Court at 3 p.m. on Monday. According to the bereaved family, Byun said that he didn't deserve the accusations. He also told his friend that he was not to blame, expressing resentment. The deceased apologized to his family in a text message. This is the second time that a person, allegedly involved in the NIS online smear campaign, has committed suicide. On October 30th, a lawyer who belonged to the NIS and worked with Byun killed himself as well. The prosecution officially expressed condolences over Byun's death. However, the series of suicides by investigation targets will likely have considerable effects on the prosecutors' ongoing probe.

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