Jecheon Festival

입력 2018.07.12 (15:07) 수정 2018.07.12 (15:17)

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[Anchor Lead]

The Jecheon International Music and Film Festival opens next month. This year will feature the largest number of films ever and more abundant musical performances. Take a look at this festive itinerary.


Two strangers join forces on a cross country road trip in the United States on the heels of the 9/11 terror attack. They sing folk songs, mourn the tragedy and comfort each other. This is the film "American Folk," the opener of the 14th Jecheon International Music and Film Festival opening next month. The film also carries hopes that the scars from the recent fire at a sports center in Jecheon will also be healed. This year, 117 musical films from 38 countries will be screened, the largest ever, while some 40 teams will showcase a range of musical performances. The whole city of Jecheon will turn into a gala of music and cinema. Along the Cheongpoong-ho Lake, film officials and actors will offer commentaries on the movies being screened while musicians will please the audience with music. Street musicians and traveling pop-up cinemas will also serve visitors and tourists.

[Soundbite] Jeong Yun-cheol(Director of Festival's Official Trailer) : "I hope the festival can be a time for people to ponder on the meaning of the combination of sound and image in a film."

This year in particular, the big names in global cinema will come to Jecheon including Tan Dun, a Chinese composer who composed the famed film score for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" as he will be awarded at the festival.

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  • Jecheon Festival
    • 입력 2018-07-12 15:08:35
    • 수정2018-07-12 15:17:23
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The Jecheon International Music and Film Festival opens next month. This year will feature the largest number of films ever and more abundant musical performances. Take a look at this festive itinerary.


Two strangers join forces on a cross country road trip in the United States on the heels of the 9/11 terror attack. They sing folk songs, mourn the tragedy and comfort each other. This is the film "American Folk," the opener of the 14th Jecheon International Music and Film Festival opening next month. The film also carries hopes that the scars from the recent fire at a sports center in Jecheon will also be healed. This year, 117 musical films from 38 countries will be screened, the largest ever, while some 40 teams will showcase a range of musical performances. The whole city of Jecheon will turn into a gala of music and cinema. Along the Cheongpoong-ho Lake, film officials and actors will offer commentaries on the movies being screened while musicians will please the audience with music. Street musicians and traveling pop-up cinemas will also serve visitors and tourists.

[Soundbite] Jeong Yun-cheol(Director of Festival's Official Trailer) : "I hope the festival can be a time for people to ponder on the meaning of the combination of sound and image in a film."

This year in particular, the big names in global cinema will come to Jecheon including Tan Dun, a Chinese composer who composed the famed film score for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" as he will be awarded at the festival.

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