입력 2020.11.18 (15:33) 수정 2020.11.18 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

The International Hydrographic Organization has issued new guidelines on the name of the body of water between Korea and Japan. The East Sea will be named with a numerical code. This move underscores Korea's claim that the name "East Sea" must be also marked on world maps


The IHO has decided to name global seas with numerical codes rather than specific names. The existing names "East Sea" or "Sea of Japan" will be now replaced with a code consisting of letters and numbers. The decision puts an end to the name "Sea of Japan," which has been used for 91 years. The Japanese government's claim that the name must be used alone is now groundless.

[Soundbite] LEE JAE-WOONG(SPOKESPERSON, FOREIGN MINISTRY) : "S-23, which only refers to the Sea of Japan, will be replaced with S-130. Therefore, Sea of Japan will no longer be a standard name."

Korea welcomed the IHO's decision. The country has demanded that the name "East Sea" be used alongside "Sea of Japan" since 1997.

[Soundbite] PARK KI-TAE(VOLUNTARY AGENCY NETWORK OF KOREA) : "From Korea's standpoint, the use of newly set numerical codes is a positive sign. There are no more legal grounds to support the name "Sea of Japan.""

The new guidelines will be first implemented on an upcoming digital map. Tokyo claims the name "Sea of Japan" will remain in use on existing paper maps. However, Seoul says it's no longer valid. The Korean government has vowed to continue its efforts to publicize the name "East Sea" after the final decision is reached on December 1.

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    • 입력 2020-11-18 15:33:57
    • 수정2020-11-18 16:46:22
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The International Hydrographic Organization has issued new guidelines on the name of the body of water between Korea and Japan. The East Sea will be named with a numerical code. This move underscores Korea's claim that the name "East Sea" must be also marked on world maps


The IHO has decided to name global seas with numerical codes rather than specific names. The existing names "East Sea" or "Sea of Japan" will be now replaced with a code consisting of letters and numbers. The decision puts an end to the name "Sea of Japan," which has been used for 91 years. The Japanese government's claim that the name must be used alone is now groundless.

[Soundbite] LEE JAE-WOONG(SPOKESPERSON, FOREIGN MINISTRY) : "S-23, which only refers to the Sea of Japan, will be replaced with S-130. Therefore, Sea of Japan will no longer be a standard name."

Korea welcomed the IHO's decision. The country has demanded that the name "East Sea" be used alongside "Sea of Japan" since 1997.

[Soundbite] PARK KI-TAE(VOLUNTARY AGENCY NETWORK OF KOREA) : "From Korea's standpoint, the use of newly set numerical codes is a positive sign. There are no more legal grounds to support the name "Sea of Japan.""

The new guidelines will be first implemented on an upcoming digital map. Tokyo claims the name "Sea of Japan" will remain in use on existing paper maps. However, Seoul says it's no longer valid. The Korean government has vowed to continue its efforts to publicize the name "East Sea" after the final decision is reached on December 1.

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