입력 2021.08.23 (15:24) 수정 2021.08.23 (16:46)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Level 4 restrictions have been extended in the greater Seoul area for two more weeks. From Monday, restaurants and cafes must close an hour early, at 9 p.m. Small business owners took to the streets to protest the restrictions.


Despite the rainy weather, people dressed in black march around the National Assembly. They are owners of establishments like restaurants and cafes in the greater Seoul area. It’s a busy weekend lunchtime, but instead of receiving customers, they decided to close shop and take to the streets.

[Soundbite] Lee Seug-hyun(Beer bar owner) : "We can’t pay off our loans and interest. At this rate, we have no choice but to pass our debt to our children. We can’t take this anymore. It’s frustrating."

Small business owners are protesting restrictions that require unilateral sacrifice from them everytime the COVID-19 situation gets worse.

[Soundbite] Lee Jong-min(Restaurant owner) : "Restrictions that have been imposed so far always fell short of the required level. It’s about time they set clear standards and persuade us rather than just notify us."

The government initially planned to enforce Level 4 restrictions for two weeks only, but ended up extending them several times. They have been in place for almost seven weeks now. We’re too tired to just sit by.

[Soundbite] Song Hee-jin(Restaurant owner) : "This responsibility must be shared by everyone instead of being passed onto small businesses only. There is no communication and it's just irresponsible. They have lost our trust."

Small business owners demand authorities discuss social distancing measures with them ahead of implementation. They also want more flexible business hours. Police and local governments issued an order to disperse the crowds under the current restrictions banning rallies of two or more people.

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    • 입력 2021-08-23 15:24:14
    • 수정2021-08-23 16:46:16
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Level 4 restrictions have been extended in the greater Seoul area for two more weeks. From Monday, restaurants and cafes must close an hour early, at 9 p.m. Small business owners took to the streets to protest the restrictions.


Despite the rainy weather, people dressed in black march around the National Assembly. They are owners of establishments like restaurants and cafes in the greater Seoul area. It’s a busy weekend lunchtime, but instead of receiving customers, they decided to close shop and take to the streets.

[Soundbite] Lee Seug-hyun(Beer bar owner) : "We can’t pay off our loans and interest. At this rate, we have no choice but to pass our debt to our children. We can’t take this anymore. It’s frustrating."

Small business owners are protesting restrictions that require unilateral sacrifice from them everytime the COVID-19 situation gets worse.

[Soundbite] Lee Jong-min(Restaurant owner) : "Restrictions that have been imposed so far always fell short of the required level. It’s about time they set clear standards and persuade us rather than just notify us."

The government initially planned to enforce Level 4 restrictions for two weeks only, but ended up extending them several times. They have been in place for almost seven weeks now. We’re too tired to just sit by.

[Soundbite] Song Hee-jin(Restaurant owner) : "This responsibility must be shared by everyone instead of being passed onto small businesses only. There is no communication and it's just irresponsible. They have lost our trust."

Small business owners demand authorities discuss social distancing measures with them ahead of implementation. They also want more flexible business hours. Police and local governments issued an order to disperse the crowds under the current restrictions banning rallies of two or more people.

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