입력 2021.12.31 (15:11) 수정 2021.12.31 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Former President Park Geun-hye was released from prison today in a special New Year’s pardon some four years after she was incarcerated. In a book that came out in time for her pardoned release, she claimed that she was unfairly impeached and the truth will be revealed even if it takes time.


[Soundbite] "President Park Geun-hye has returned as a free citizen."

At midnight Friday, supporters of former President Park Geun-hye erupted in cheers to welcome her release. Since Thursday night, her supporters have crowded the front of the hospital where she had been admitted.

[Soundbite] Jo Won-jin(Leader, Our Republican Party) : "I will continue fighting for the invalidation of her impeachment. We have to show the world that President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment was wrong through a new trial."

She had been sentenced to prison for 22 years over a bribery scandal. But she was granted a New Year’s presidential pardon and released from prison. Four years and nine months have passed since she was arrested in March 2017. The pardoning process took place at her ward in Samsung Medical Center. A Seoul Detention Center employee delivered a pardon card to the ex-president and correctional officers standing outside her room pulled out to complete the pardoning process. Even after the release, she plans to stay in the hospital for treatment until early February. A book containing the letters she had exchanged with her supporters in prison was released Thursday. In the book Park claimed that she had never done anything as ugly as giving special privilege to someone and highlighted the unfairness of the impeachment. The ex-president also added that the truth will be revealed even if it takes time. She also defended herself over the accusation of neglecting her duty for seven hours during the Sewol ferry disaster. Park claimed she was briefed about the accident in her residence because she wasn’t feeling well and that she kept silent because she believed in the power of truth despite bizarre rumors and malicious slander. Meanwhile, a protest demanding the withdrawal of pardon for the former president was held at Gwanghwamun on Thursday. The protesters called the pardon a politically motivated move that goes against the will of the people who participated in the candlelight protests five years ago.

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    • 입력 2021-12-31 15:11:40
    • 수정2021-12-31 16:46:05
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Former President Park Geun-hye was released from prison today in a special New Year’s pardon some four years after she was incarcerated. In a book that came out in time for her pardoned release, she claimed that she was unfairly impeached and the truth will be revealed even if it takes time.


[Soundbite] "President Park Geun-hye has returned as a free citizen."

At midnight Friday, supporters of former President Park Geun-hye erupted in cheers to welcome her release. Since Thursday night, her supporters have crowded the front of the hospital where she had been admitted.

[Soundbite] Jo Won-jin(Leader, Our Republican Party) : "I will continue fighting for the invalidation of her impeachment. We have to show the world that President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment was wrong through a new trial."

She had been sentenced to prison for 22 years over a bribery scandal. But she was granted a New Year’s presidential pardon and released from prison. Four years and nine months have passed since she was arrested in March 2017. The pardoning process took place at her ward in Samsung Medical Center. A Seoul Detention Center employee delivered a pardon card to the ex-president and correctional officers standing outside her room pulled out to complete the pardoning process. Even after the release, she plans to stay in the hospital for treatment until early February. A book containing the letters she had exchanged with her supporters in prison was released Thursday. In the book Park claimed that she had never done anything as ugly as giving special privilege to someone and highlighted the unfairness of the impeachment. The ex-president also added that the truth will be revealed even if it takes time. She also defended herself over the accusation of neglecting her duty for seven hours during the Sewol ferry disaster. Park claimed she was briefed about the accident in her residence because she wasn’t feeling well and that she kept silent because she believed in the power of truth despite bizarre rumors and malicious slander. Meanwhile, a protest demanding the withdrawal of pardon for the former president was held at Gwanghwamun on Thursday. The protesters called the pardon a politically motivated move that goes against the will of the people who participated in the candlelight protests five years ago.

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