입력 2022.06.10 (15:04) 수정 2022.06.17 (17:02)

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[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon will attend a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization opening in Spain on June 29. A top office official said Friday that Yoon will be the first ever South Korean leader to attend the summit at the official invitation of NATO. The official said the president will attend sessions between NATO allies and partners and also hold multiple bilateral summits with foreign leaders on the sidelines.
According to tentative estimates by the Bank of Korea, South Korea posted its first current account deficit in two years to the tune of 80 million dollars in April. The nation had been logging a current account surplus since May 2020. The central bank attributed the deficit to rising global raw material prices pushing up imports as well as an increase in companies’ overseas dividend payments.

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    • 입력 2022-06-10 15:04:01
    • 수정2022-06-17 17:02:00
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

President Yoon will attend a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization opening in Spain on June 29. A top office official said Friday that Yoon will be the first ever South Korean leader to attend the summit at the official invitation of NATO. The official said the president will attend sessions between NATO allies and partners and also hold multiple bilateral summits with foreign leaders on the sidelines.
According to tentative estimates by the Bank of Korea, South Korea posted its first current account deficit in two years to the tune of 80 million dollars in April. The nation had been logging a current account surplus since May 2020. The central bank attributed the deficit to rising global raw material prices pushing up imports as well as an increase in companies’ overseas dividend payments.

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